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Sermon Archive: Stephen Lloyd

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Job (3): Innocent suffering: is God just? Job 18–19 (or 4–37). Stephen Lloyd 29/9/2024

Job (2): The experience of suffering. Job 2:7–3:26. Stephen Lloyd 8/9/2024

Job (1): Job the cosmic combatant. Job 1; 40:10–17. Stephen Lloyd 1/9/2024

Baptism of Sam and Denzel

Who do you trust? Jeremiah 23:1–32. Stephen Lloyd 14/4/2024


Church (7): A worshipping community. Hebrews 10:19–25, 12:18–29. Stephen Lloyd 21/7/2024

Church (6b) Men and women: serving togther together as the church. 1 Corinthians 11:3–12, 1 Timothy 2:8–3:15. Stephen Lloyd 14/7/2024

Church (6a) Men and women: imaging God together. Genesis 1:26–31, 2:15–3:20. Stephen Lloyd 7/7/2024

Church (5) Leadership: Servants shepherding the sheep. Ezekiel 34 and 1 Peter 5. Stephen Lloyd 9/6/2024

Church (4) Lord’s Supper: tasting salvation together. Luke 22:14–30; 1 Cor 10:14–21; 1 Cor 11:20–34. Stephen Lloyd 26/5/2024

Church (3) Baptism: salvation made visible. Colossians 2:6–15 and 1 Peter 3:13–4:6. Stephen Lloyd 28/4/2024

Church (2): Church incarnate. Matthew 16:13–24,18:10–20. Stephen Lloyd 17/3/2024

Church (1): God's glory in the church. Ephesians 3:17–4:18. Stephen Lloyd 10/3/2024

God’s love story

Love story (5): God keeps his bride for eternity. John 11:17–53. Stephen Lloyd 21/1/2024

Love story (4): God wins the heart of his bride. John 6:32–66. Stephen Lloyd 14/1/2024

Love story (3): Christ lays down his life for his bride. John 10:1–30. Stephen Lloyd 26/11/2023

Love story (2): God chooses his bride. John 17:1–26. Stephen Lloyd 5/11/2023

Love story (1): The reluctant bride. John 3:16–21. Stephen Lloyd 22/10/2023

God’s shocking love story. Mark 2:15–20 and Hosea. Stephen Lloyd 8/10/2023

Short Series: Revelation

3. Is it worth it? Revelation 6:9–8:6 Stephen Lloyd 20/8/2023

2. What do you see? Revelation 6 Stephen Lloyd 13/8/2023

1. What’s really going on… and why should I care? Revelation 4–5 Stephen Lloyd 6/8/2023

Life in God’s universe

Life in God's universe (4): Work. Proverbs 6:6–10; 2 Thessalonians 3:5–13 Stephen Lloyd 9/7/2023

Life in God’s universe (3): Friendship. Proverbs 17:17, 1Samuel 18:1–4,20:1–17 Stephen Lloyd 11/6/2023

Life in God’s universe (2): Prosperity guaranteed? Proverbs 10:22, Genesis 12:1–3, 15:1–21 Stephen Lloyd 28/5/2023

Life in God’s universe (1) Proverbs 10: 1–32 Stephen Lloyd 7/5/2023

Easter 2023

Easter Eggsplains. Luke 24:1–49, Stephen Lloyd 9/4/2023 (Easter Sunday)

The problem of blasphemy. Leviticus 24:10–23, John 19:1–16 Stephen Lloyd 7/4/2023 (Good Friday)

Series: Final chapters of John

8. What now? John 20:30–21:25 Stephen Lloyd 23/4/2023

7. Life creating words. John 20:17–31 Stephen Lloyd 2/4/2023

6. Better than Eden. John 19:38–20:16 Stephen Lloyd 19/3/2023

5. Jesus’ finished work. John 19:16–37 Stephen Lloyd 5/3/2023

4. Your verdict. John 19:1–16 Stephen Lloyd 26/2/2023

3. What do I do with Jesus? John 18:28–40 Stephen Lloyd 4/12/2022

2. Living in denial. John 18:15–27 Stephen Lloyd 20/11/2022

1. How can this man help us? John 18:1–14 Stephen Lloyd 6/11/2022

Series: Amos

11 Do you want to follow this God? Amos 9:1–15 Stephen Lloyd 16/10/2022

10 What do you do with God’s word? Amos 8:1–14 Stephen Lloyd 9/10/2022

9. Power struggle. Amos 7:10–17 Stephen Lloyd 24/7/2022

8. God’s heart revealed. Amos 7:1–9 Stephen Lloyd 17/7/2022

7. The danger of complacency. Amos 6:1–14 Stephen Lloyd 3/7/2022

6. The danger of self-deception Amos 5:18–27 Stephen Lloyd 26/6/2022

5. Do you want justice? Amos 5:1–17 Stephen Lloyd 29/5/2022

4. Do you want to meet God?. Amos 4:1–13 Stephen Lloyd 3/4/2022

3. God is not on your side. Amos 3:1–15 Stephen Lloyd 13/3/2022

2. You are not exempt. Amos 2:4–16 Stephen Lloyd 27/2/2022

1. The God who confronts you. Amos 1:1–2:3 Stephen Lloyd 13/2/2022

One-off Sermons

Who is your hope? Luke 12:1–34. Stephen Lloyd 23/6/2024

Meeting Jesus: dead or alive? 1 Corinthians 15:1–8, Acts 10:23b–48. Stephen Lloyd 31/3/2024

What's your story? Psalm 107. Stephen Lloyd 11/2/2024

Finding resilience. 2 Corinthians 4:7–18. Stephen Lloyd 31/12/2023

Christmas and Genesis. Matthew 1:1–23. Stephen Lloyd 25/12/2023

Christmas deconstruction. Luke 1:30–31. Stephen Lloyd 24/12/2023

Living in dependence. Matthew 6:11–13 Stephen Lloyd 17/9/2023

It’s not about you…or is it? Matthew 6:9–10 Stephen Lloyd 10/9/2023

Choose life? Romans 10:4–12, Deuteronomy 30:1–20 Stephen Lloyd 25/6/2023

No more grief. Luke 7:11–17 Stephen Lloyd 29/1/2023

Can you have your cake and eat it? Genesis 2:8–17, 3:8–24 Stephen Lloyd 1/1/2023

Why not an angel? Hebrews 2:5–18 Stephen Lloyd 25/12/2022

The impossible Christmas. Luke 1:26–2:20 Stephen Lloyd 18/12/2022

The need to lament. Lamentations 1 Stephen Lloyd 27/11/2022

Can I trust God? 2Kings 17:1–23 Stephen Lloyd 11/9/2022

Gospel transformation. Philemon 1–25 Stephen Lloyd 21/8/2022

What leader do you want? 1 Kings 10 & Mattew 12:38–42 Stephen Lloyd 14/8/2022

(Baptism) Conflict resolution. Romans 7:7–8:4 Stephen Lloyd 15/5/2022

Saving the planet Romans 8:19–23 Stephen Lloyd 8/5/2022

(Easter Sunday 2022) Fake News? John 19 and 20 Stephen Lloyd 17/4/2022

(Good Friday 2022) God provides. Leviticus 17 Stephen Lloyd 15/4/2022

The answer to anxiety. Mark 4:35–41 Stephen Lloyd 30/1/2022

Don't you fear God? Deuteronomy 6:1–35 Stephen Lloyd 23/1/2022

Grace for all. Genesis 8:21–9:21 Stephen Lloyd 9/1/2022

Narrow to be broad Psalm 87 Stephen Lloyd 26/12/2021

The Feminist Christmas Luke 1:39–56 Stephen Lloyd 25/12/2021

What’s the plan? Matthew 1&2 Stephen Lloyd 19/12/2021

The Christian life is set in springtime: Song of Songs 7–17. Stephen Lloyd: 18/4/2020

Why is Jesus relevant? Luke 24:39–43. Stephen Lloyd: 4/4/2021

Series: Lamentations

3. The end of lament. Lamentations 5. Stephen Lloyd: 31/1/2016

2. The God of lament. Lamentations 3:1–50. Stephen Lloyd: 24/1/2016

1. The need to lament. Lamentations 1. Stephen Lloyd: 10/1/2016

Series: Galatians

21 What is a gospel church? Galatians 6:11–18 Stephen Loyd 28/11/2021

20 Self-glory or self-giving? Galatians 5:26–6:10 Stephen Loyd 21/11/2021

19 The Spirit's gospel fruit. Galatians 5:19–26 Stephen Loyd 7/11/2021

18 The life of freedom. Galatians 5:13–18 Stephen Loyd 24/10/2021

17a Christianity is Christ. Galatians 4:19 Stephen Loyd 10/10/21

17. Being consistent. Galatianas 5:1–12. Stephen Lloyd: 8/3/2020

16. Only two families. Galatianas 4:25–5:1. Stephen Lloyd: 9/2/2020

15. Don't turn back. Galatianas 4:8–20. Stephen Lloyd: 2/2/2020

14. Slave or son. Galatianas 4:1–11. Stephen Lloyd: 19/1/2020

13. Equality in Christ. Galatianas 3:26–29. Stephen Lloyd: 8/12/2019

12. The path to life learning from Israel. Galatianas 3:19–26. Stephen Lloyd: 24/11/2019

11. History of a relationship. Galatianas 3:14–21. Stephen Lloyd: 20/10/2019

10. The curse of doing. Galatianas 3:10–14. Stephen Lloyd: 29/9/2019

9. The blessing of faith. Galatianas 3:6–9. Stephen Lloyd: 15/9/2019

8. How to be scammed. Galatianas 3:1–5. Stephen Lloyd: 7/7/2019

7. A new identity. Galatianas 2:17–21. Stephen Lloyd: 30/6/2019

6. Finding approval. Galatianas 2:15–16. Stephen Lloyd: 9/6/2019

5. Who belongs. Galatianas 2:11–16, Acts 11:19–26. Stephen Lloyd: 28/4/2019

4. Supernatural gospel in human hands. Galatianas 1:11–2:10. Stephen Lloyd: 7/4/2019

3. Supernatural gospel not in my control. Galatianas 1:11–24. Stephen Lloyd: 24/3/2019

2. Moving on from paradise isn't progress. Galatianas 1:6–10. Stephen Lloyd: 10/3/2019

1. Gospel revolution. Galatianas 1:1–5. Stephen Lloyd: 3/3/2019