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Sermon Series

Jesus’ temptations – David Hircock

4. Whom will you worship? Matthew 4:1–11. David Hircock 12/5/2024

3. Jesus was humble and full of faith. Matthew 4:1–11. David Hircock 7/4/2024

1. Vicarious, vulnerable and victorioius. Matthew 4:1–4. David Hircock 4/2/2024

Love is… – David Hircock

4. Love is eternal. 1 Corinthians 13:1–13 David Hircock 12/3/2023

3. Love emulates. 1 Corinthians 13:4–7 David Hircock 19/2/2023

2. Love is energetic. 1 Corinthians 13:4–7 David Hircock 12/2/2023

1. Love is essential. 1 Corinthians 13:1–3 David Hircock 5/2/2023

The Transfiguration – David Hircock

4.The transfiguration from Jesus’ point of view. Luke 9:28–42 David Hircock 4/9/2022

3.The transfiguration from the disciples point of view. Mark 8:31–9:8 David Hircock 22/5/2022

2. His face shone. Matthew 17:1–9 David Hircock 6/3/2022

1.What the transformation tells us about Jesus. Matthew 17:1–9 David Hircock 16/1/2022

Other Individual Sermons

The light of the world. Psalm 27 and John 8:12–59. Tom Forryan 12/1/2025

Thus far has the Lord helped us. Samuel 7:2-8:9. Sam Newcombe 5/1/2025

The intimacy of God’s all-knowing and ever-present love. Psalm 139. Victor Oderinde 29/12/2024

Christmas Day service: The message of the angels. Isaiah 59:9–16, 20; Luke 2:1–20. Sam Newcombe 25/12/2024

Carol service. Micah 5:1_5a; Matthew 2:1–6; Luke 2:1–7, 21–38. Victor Oderinde 22/12/2024

Jesus the light of the world. Isaiah 9:1–3; Matthew 4:12–17; John 12:35–46. Norman Hopkins 15/12/2024

The life within. John 7:37–39. Tom Forryan 8/12/2024

Paul the pastor. 1 Thessalonians 2:1–20. Simon Hindson 1/12/2024

Teach us to pray. Matthew 6:1–13; Luke 11:1–4. Peter Woodcock 24/11/2024

There’s a story to tell. 1 Thessa;onians 1:1–10. Simon Hindson 17/11/2024

Rebellion, repentance and rescue. Ephesians 4:22–32; 1 Samuel 15. Sam Newcombe 10/11/2024

Life through faith in the Son. John 5:1–47. Tom Forryan 3/11/2024

A call to praise the Lord. Psalm 32:1–11. Daniel Shwe 20/10/2024

The Lord can use us to show to the world his continued faithfulness. Joshua 2. David Wilson 6/10/2024

The Lord delivers his people from slavery. Exodus 14:26–31. Andrew Muwowo 22/9/2024

The sleeping Christ. Mark 4:35–5:43. Tom Forryan 15/9/2024

Here is your God. Psalm 33; Isaiah 40:12–26. Malcolm Jones 25/8/2024

Living for the progress of the gospel and of others in the gospel. Philippians 1:12–26. Adrian Yeboah 18/8/2024

The true character of Jesus. Psalm 24; Luke 23:26–49. Sam Newcombe 11/8/2024

The continuing ministry of Jesus. Isaiah 53:12–54:3. Bernard Lewis 4/8/2024

Do you love Jesus more? Matthew 10:16–23, 24–39. Victor Oderinde 28/7/2024

Mankind’s need of the mediator. Job 9:25–35. Sonny Simak 30/6/2024

Eternal love in a temporary world. Psalm 103:13–18. Ben Wighton 16/6/2024

Ten Bridesmaids. Revelation 7:9–17; Matthew 25:1–13. Tom Forryan 2/6/2024

God’s power for his message. John 16:1–16. Bernard Lewis 19/5/2024

Forgiveness. Ephesians 4:29–5:2. Sunny Simak 5/5/2024

The Great Exchange. Matthew 27:1–26. Derek Sewell 21/4/2024

2. Jesus, in Gethsemane. Matthew 6:21–46. David Hircock 24/3/2024

Your kingdom come. Psalm 46 and Matthew 13:1–9, 31–33. Bill James 28/1/2024

Teach us to number our days. Psalm 90. David Hircock 7/1/2024

The lady who inspired Christmas. Luke 1:46–55, 1 Samuel 2:1–10. Malcolm Jones 17/12/2023

The Good, the Bad and the Glory. Romans 16:1–27. Stuart Cross 10/12/2023

The lady who saved Christmas. 2 Kings 11:1–21. Malcolm Jones 3/12/2023

Nothing – and then something! Mark 5:1–23. Adam Laughton 19/11/2023

The presence of God gives hope. Psalm 46. Tim Fox 12/11/2023

Our freedom in Christ. Galatians 5. Bernard Lewis 29/10/2023

Who’s in charge? Luke 20:1–8 Peter Mawson 15/10/2023

Living as children of light in the face of temptation. Matthew 4:1–11, Luke 4:1–13 Nigel Hoad 1/10/2023

God's Word gives guidance and encouragement to his king. 1 Samual 23:1–18 Geoff Low 24/9/2023

Is it futile to serve God? Micah 2:17–3:18 Kevin Bracken 3/9/2023

What does the Lord require of you? Micah 6 Sam Newcombe 27/8/2023

We need the Holy Spirit. John 7:37–39+ Victor Oderinde 30/7/2023

The Inspiration and Authority of Scripture. 2 Timothy 3:16–17 Simon Hindson 23/7/2023

The Parable of the Workers. Matthew 20:1–16 Norman Hopkins 16/7/2023

Praying as a church. Acts 16:11–25 David Wilson 2/7/2023

Making the most of life. Ecclesiastes 3, Luke 12:54–59 Richard Hagen 4/6/2023

The joy of forgiveness. Psalm 32 Simon Buss 21/5/2023

True worship. Romans 12:1–21 Stuart Cross 14/5/2023

A Tiger Mum – seeking authority for vanity's sake. Matthew 20:17–28 Kevin Bracken 30/4/2023

Boasting in Christ is worth it! Philippians 3:1–21 James Tredgett 16/4/2023

You are the light of the world. Matthew 5:14–16 Daniel Halpin 26/3/2023

Pray that we can. Colossians 4:1–6 Adam Laughton 22/1/2023

God’s judgement. Psalm 76 Kiran Parabi 15/1/2023

A miracle with a message. John 4:43–54 Malcolm Jones 8/1/2023

A pre-Christmas journey. Matthew 2:1–12 Keith Johns 11/12/2022

Salvation by grace. Mark 10:17–31 Tom Forryan 13/11/2022

Since we have a great priest. Hebrews 10:9–25 Sam Newcombe 30/10/2022

The devotion of the church. Acts 2:1–12, 36–47 Daniel Jarvis 23/10/2022

Trusting Jesus. Matthew 14 Matthew Clay 25/9/2022

The glory of Christ. John 2 Malcolm Jones 2/10/2022

You are mine. Isaiah 43 Roop 18/9/2022

His love endures forever. Psalm 136 David Wilson 28/8/2022

Universal problem – superficial solution. Mark 7:1–23 Charles Kasenene 7/8/2022

The heart of an evangelist. Romans 9:1–18 Stuart Cross 31/7/2022

Here I stand. Daniel 1 Ollie Land 10/7/2022

True wisdom. James 3:13–18 Ola Sanni 19/6/2022

Breakfast with Jesus. John 21:1–14 Peter Mawson 12/6/2022

Christ is our timeless sustainer. Colossians 1:9–20 Chola Mukanga 5/6/2022

Boasting in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:1–10 Francisco Newby 1/5/2022

Jesus prepares to build his church. Mark 11:1–19 Bernard Lewis 24/4/2022

God, the Bad and the Ugly. Mark 5:1–20 Adam Laughton 10/4/2022

The master worth waiting for. Luke 12:32–40 Francisco Newby 27/3/2022

The only refuge in the storm. Genesis 7:1–8:1 Paul Brumming 20/3/2022

The Christian life. 1Timothy 2:1–7 James Mildred 20/2/2022

Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:5 Kevin Bracken 6/2/2022

A child like us. Luke 2:20–40 Adam Laughton 2/1/2022

Zechariah speaks. Luke 1:57–80 Simon Hindson 12/12/2021

The fox, the funeral and the furrow: following Jesus. Luke 9:51–62 Gavin Fernandes 5/12/2021

Why am I here? Psalm 117 Adam Laughton 14/11/2021

What's so great about being a Christian? Ephesians 2:1–10 Charles Kasenene 31/10/2021

Have mercy on me O God. Psalme 51 Olawale Akinrogunde 17/10/2021

Salt and light. Matthew 5:3–16 David Wilson 3/10/2021

Living for the future. Acts 1:1–11 Nigel Hoad 26/9/2021

The arrest of Jesus. Matthew 26:47–56 Malcolm Jones, 5/9/2021

Remaining true to the faith: Acts 14:1–28 Bernard Roberts 22/8/2021

Immeasurable God: Isaiah 40:12–31 Adam Laughton, 8/8/2021

Christian hope: Romans 8:18–30 Kiran Pabari, 1/8/2021

Ongoing pandemic of the digital age: Ephesians 6:10–20 Asreel, Ben & Mike of Emmanuel Church, Canterbury 25/7/2021

Resting in Jesus: Matthew 11:27–12:8 James Tredgett 4/7/2021

Relentless mercy: John 4 Adam Laughton 11/4/2021

The blindness that Jesus exposes: Mark 10: Keith Johns 28/3/2021

Who Jesus is and what he has come to do?: Mark 8:27–38 Keith Johns 21/3/2021

What a come down! Matthew 17:14–23 Malcolm Jones 14/3/2021

His deed, your need, his divinity: John 10:1–39 Part 3 David Hircock 7/3/2021

He loves: John 10:1–39 Part 2 David Hircock 28/2/2021

Listen to Jesus: John 10:1–39 Part 1 David Hircock 21/2/2021

Topsy turvey world: Psalm 12 Peter Mawson 31/1/2021

Why did he come? Part 4: Matthew 10:16–42 Malcolm Jones 17/1/2021

Archive of sermons by Stephen Lloyd

Archive: Stephen Lloyd